When I was pregnant I wanted to cloth diaper. At the time, every single daycare I spoke with said "Nope, we only do disposable". Grr...At the time since daycare was the plan, I gave in and decided to go with disposable. Then 36 weeks pregnant...we find out we are moving....38 weeks pregnant...Aiden arrives...Anytime between August 25th and January 2010 became a blurr. I was knee deep in a newborn, adjusting to being a stay at home mom, and using disposables.
So the time has come where I am going to ditch the disposables and go to cloth! I went to a baby store in downtown Richmond today that sells cloth diapers. I bought 2 and I am going to begin testing this process. Of course I will need many more than 2, but I just want to get a taste of what this is like before I buy a ton of cloth diapers. Not only will it better for the environment, but it will save us money in the long run. I am super excited about this decision and I really hope it works out for us.
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago
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