Monday, May 31, 2010

Bad Blogger

I know, I am such a bad blogger. It comes in waves!
I did finally graduate with my masters in Educational Leadership. It was an experience I won't soon forget. Now I am at home full time with my little man and I could not be happier.

Aiden is crawling everywhere and getting into everything. You have to watch him like a hawk. He will find dust bunnies you never knew existed and then promptly put them in his mouth. He loves to talk and can say mama and dada. Although I think he doesn't really know what he is saying. He has started to cry when you take things away from him. But, I think Jay and are doing pretty well with standing our ground and not giving the items back to him.

I am not sure when he grew up, but he did. It is hard to believe that he has spent more time outside of my belly, than inside. He makes us so happy and we never really realized how happy life could be until he came along.

Here are a few pictures and a cute video of him playing peek-a-boo. I am looking forward to this summer, all of the trips we will take and posting them.


Amy said...

I'm glad you send links, I'm awful at checking blogs! Is Aiden all legs? He looks like he is going to be taller than you in the 9 month picture!

Jaimie L. Moore said...

love the video!! :)

Catherine Anne said...

great job! I can't wait to spend a week with him and learn all of his new talents!! He s sucha cutie!!!