Yipee! We are so excited. We found out last week at our ultrasound and his name will be Aiden Hamilton. I am kind of a fuddy-duddy about my ultrasound pics and I don't think I want to post them. I mean the thought of my uterus being posted on the internet send shivers down my spine. So, unless you are a close friend you probably won't see them. I may change my mind as time goes on, we will see.
I began looking at day cares this week. This is not the fun task that most things involving this pregnancy are. I can't imagine having to hand my baby off to a stranger after only 8 weeks of time in this world. I am going back out today to look at more, and hopefully I will have a better attitude than I did yesterday.
My DH had never really read my blog before so I sent him the link so he could look at it. He came home that evening and said "we need to talk about your blog". I am sitting there going "I haven't said anything bad about him, what is his problem?" He then says, "I looked at Amy's and hers is much better than yours. She has videos and all kinds of stuff." My DH is a silly jokester, so this is not at all out of character.
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago
Congrats about the little boy!!! Yay!!
Team Blue!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations Kim and Jay!!!
LOL! Yippee!!!
Congrats on the pregnancy. My fiancee is 34 weeks already. Our little one will be born anytime soon July 2nd to 29th. Gender is still unkown. Stop by my In Tje News Right Now blog. I will update it daily. Take care.
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