This is an awfully weird looking sweet potato. Anywho, I am feeling a lot more movement recently and baby T even woke me up in the middle of the night moving. It is such a surreal experience to feel your child growing inside of you. We bought a gender neutral stroller this week and that was our first big baby purchase. It was very exciting! We bought it because it was on super sale.
Now, the important news: I go in on Thursday for our big ultrasound to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Jay and I are very anxious to find out. We also prayed this morning for the health of baby T this week at our ultrasound. But, do not expect to find out what we are having on Thursday. We are going to have the ultrasound tech write down the sex on a card and seal it. We are then going to go home and open it with our family over Easter weekend. We can't wait! I just hope that Jay does not torture me with the card.
Here is a pic of my belly from this week:

why don't you just have the ultrasound tech call me and tell me what the sex is. i can keep a secret! :) i think i am just as excited as you are to find out the sex!
This is so exciting! I agree with Cat just have her send out a text to everyone but you!
What a cute belly! I can't wait to hear what Baby T is gonna be :)
This is soo exciting Kimmie! I can't wait to find out the big news!!!!
I saw your post about being nervous. I imagine it has to be nerve-wracking. Just try to concentrate on all the good things you are going to see and find out. ::Sending you lots of calm nerves and healthy baby growing dust::
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