We love Virginia so far. But, I am not sure if it is a love of Virginia or how everything is just so right. I was forced to quit my job with this move and we decided my time would be best spent with Aiden. God really had a plan for us. I can't imagine not seeing everything this child does on a daily basis. This time is so precious and I am so lucky that I get to witness every moment. Don't get me wrong, it is hard. Unbelieveably hard! I rarely get to speak to an adult and end up in my sweats all day. Hopefully that will change as we start to go out in VA and do more. In fact we are starting a baby gym class and supposedly each week we will learn a new sign. As in sign language. We will see if it works.
He is a sweet baby. He has started to grab things, he can hold his head up pretty well, he can stand for a few moments when you hold him, and he has started to smile at you. His smile will melt your heart. This morning I went to get him out of his crib and when he saw me he smiled. That is what pure joy feels like.
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago
Wow he's growing up way too fast! I can't believe he is already doing all those things. I can't wait to see him again.
I LOOOOOOOOve the baby noises he's making. Hahahha.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. so dang cute. Now take some pics of your new house! I wanna see!
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