Yes, I rocked a bikini in Edisto!
How far along? 34 weeks
weight gain/loss:I will no longer be answering this question. Boo to the scale!
Maternity clothes? yep.
Stretch marks? Still none.. Please stay away!
Sleep: What is this sleep that you speak of?
Best moment this week: Having my girlfriends feel Aiden move for the first time.
Movement: He has very active days and loves the left side of my belly.
Food cravings: Anything sweet and chocolate
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: I am having random contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Way out, and it hurts
What I miss: My girly figure
What I am looking forward to: My maternity photo shoot and finishing the nursery
Weekly Wisdom: Get the nursery completed early
Milestones: Aiden is estimated at 5 pounds. That means to me if he was a preemie he would do well.
and you looked beautiful in that bikini! 6 weeks to go! Can't wait to meet Aiden!
I LOVED feeling your belly all week long. Can't wait for the shower!! XOXO
That is hot! I can't wait to meet him!!!
You look great! You are so much braver than I would have been to sport the bikini...more power to you! I just wished we lived closer to each other so we could hang and be mommies neighbors!
You look awesome Kimmie! I can't believe you're soo far along! It's only a matter of time!!!!!
Update the side bar picture. so we can really see the progression, is that the word???
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