Saturday, March 21, 2009

16 weeks and a first time event

I am now 16 weeks. It is so exciting to see my belly getting bigger and start to tell people that we are expecting. I was sitting at work on Friday after lunch and felt what other women have described as a "flutter". It felt like a muscle spasm that was very light and it did not hurt. Then it dawned on me immediately after it happened that it was Baby T. I almost busting out crying with joy right there in my classroom. I haven't felt another one since, which is normal. But I can't wait until it happens again.


Amy said...
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Amy said...

Yum, I love avocado! I can't wait until others can feel baby T too! I look forward to that during the beach trip!

Catherine Anne said...

So much fun! before you know it, you will be feeling hard jabs in your ribs! :) (but you will still love every minute of it!)

gallerygirl said...

You have been picture tagged... visit my blog to find your instructions. Have a great day!

Abbey said...

YAY! How exciting! I can't believe your 16 weeks already! Before you know it, Baby T will be here. Are you going to find out what it is?