Oh, Oh not so fast Kim...
One of my friends called me last night to warn me that another teacher I know is pregnant. It really upset me on several different levels. But, mainly it made me pissed off at my friend who decided it would be best to tell me this information before I "found out from someone else". This teacher is obviously not telling anyone yet since it is a secret and now I have to walk around with this secret information. Not only that but I am not even at school, why share this information with me knowing it would upset me? Why not wait to tell me after the holidays were over? I am so over some people...
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago
I'm sorry. (((BIG HUGS)))
kimmie--- I'm so sorry! I know, hearing other announcements are SO very hard. I heard one yesterday and it sent me into a crying fit for nearly the entire day. ::::hugs::::
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