How far along? 38 weeks
weight gain/loss:I will no longer be answering this question. Boo to the scale!
Maternity clothes? really any clothes that will actually fit now. I now realize why some pregnant women have their belly hanging out from the bottom of their shirt
Stretch marks? Still none.. Please stay away!
Sleep: Some nights I sleep and some nights I get none.
Best moment this week: Knowing I will meet Aiden soon!
Movement: He has slowed down a lot. There can't be much room in there.
Food cravings: I have not been as hungry lately.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: I had some blood this morning. Kind of exciting at this point in pregnancy.
Belly Button in or out? Way out, and it hurts
What I miss: Currently it is bending over
What I am looking forward to: Viewing my maternity pictures and getting my glider in
Weekly Wisdom: Order your glider early
Milestones: Full term....
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago