How far along? 31 weeks
weight gain/loss: Well, the dr. says 18. I say I gained some weight in between finding out I was pregnant and my first appointment. I say 25.
Maternity clothes? yep.
Stretch marks? None yet, I am hoping it stays that way. I know I am fighting a losing battle. But I still lube up the belly daily.
Sleep:Some nights are good, some are really bad. Luckily, I have more good.
Best moment this week: Just feeling him move. I will miss it. I love feeling him move no matter where I am or what I am doing.
Movement: He likes to punch mom's bladder
Food cravings: Does anyone have any pastries?
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: None, thank God.
Belly Button in or out? Way out, you can see it through my clothes.
What I miss: The things that I would not give a second thought to doing, like going tubing with the family in the mountains this past weekend. I was really disappointed.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting Aiden.
Weekly Wisdom: Thou shall never think a pregnant lady has it easy.
Milestones: 31 weeks is a great milestone. I feel more confident the longer Aiden continues to grow.
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
3 weeks ago